Tuesday 25 August 2009

Another blog rises from the great Abyss

Some day, when I look back on all of this, I'll either be proud or emit a "hmm" and think what could have been.

Anyway, this blog, fresh from the Abyss where all blogs originate from, but without that fresh smell of originality, is a story blog. A story blog for me, a "wannabe author" who decided it would be a good idea to publish some stories for free. A man's got to make himself known, and the best way is to showcase your talents to the world, and let the audience gasp in awe at the developing masterpiece that would surely ensue.

So, less talk and more action. I'm also writing a novel which I plan to get published at some point, which probably won't be for free. Man's got to eat.

Finally, for anyone who wants to subscribe to this blog, I love you forever...


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